Equip International

Our sending organization

Sending and Training

We have served with Equip International since 2010. The Equip slogan is “Faith At Work” and so we chose that for the name of the work here in Honduras.

Equip exist as both a sending agency and a mission training institute based in Marion, NC.

One of the things that we appreciated in Equip as we started out was the Community Health Evangelism training (CHE) that we took before going on the field as it has shaped our mission methodology. Fundamentally, we are looking to help the people help themselves and share Christ as we walk together.

Equip embraces an understanding of the Scriptures which clearly recognizes the response of the believer to human need as being an integral part of the Gospel. The love of Christ in us and through us must be demonstrated as well as heard as we bear witness.

Equip's Mission

The Equip mission, therefore, is to prepare, send and support evangelical missionaries to assist the church around the world to be:

  • Responsive to the poor
  • Sensitive to the Holy Spirit
  • Focused on personal evangelism
  • Practically engaged in strengthening the Body of Christ
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