
Drama, Songs, and the Word

Using puppet shows to teach and evangelize

We have a puppet ministry that dynamically presents Biblical truth to children and adults alike through drama, songs, and the Word.

We minister from the valley floor to the mountain tops in churches, parks, schools, and community halls. We are evangelizing in public arenas, as well as helping existing churches to strengthen their flock.

During the show we have times to dialog with the children about the drama and let them explain what it means. We also have a memory verse which we work through three different ways in every show so that the kids really have an opportunity to learn it well.

We also purpose in ministering to the puppet team members. We have a devotion time at the start of every practice with a different team member leading each time. We also share prayer needs and spend a time praying for each other and for the Lord to prepare the hearts of the children who will see the show to hear from Him.

This is an exciting ministry that the Lord has used to bless many and to bring some to salvation!

Puppet Pics

We have a puppet ministry that dynamically presents Biblical truth to children and adults alike through drama, songs, and the Word.

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