
Hondurans love pork!

Hondurans usually eat chicken but they love pork, and so it is a good agricultural business for a small landholder to pursue.

Well, maybe.  The reality is that most people who try will end up paying more for their piglet and feed then they’ll realize in profits.  We are using the Natural Farming method to show them how to raise pigs organically, healthier, and cheaper – so, higher profits.

Pigs grow very fast and can easily reach a 200 lbs market weight in just six months.  They are monogastrates, just like us, having a single stomach and simple one-way digestive system.  They are omnivores and can live off a wide range of vegetation and insects or grubs.  They naturally like to turn the soil to get to roots, worms and other crawling things.

We are following the Educational Concern for Hunger Organization, ECHO, publication “Natural Farming, Principles, Concepts & Appropriate Techniques in Tropics” for the basics of our pig raising method.  This method keeps the pigs sheltered and on a deep bed of dry organic material.  The pigs are fed fermented feed with the bulk of the material to ferment being agricultural waste from the local area.  Black Soldier Fly Larva are employed to process the pig’s solid waste and then the mature larva are fed to the pigs or chickens.

We are also producing our own lactic acid bacteria to make a solution that can be sprayed over the pig bedding daily to eliminate odors and also used in the feed fermentation process.   

While we hope to share this information widely, our goal is to help several of the local single mothers to work jointly to establish their own income.

There are so many steps of waste transformation involved in raising pigs and we can use that to point to Christ who transforms us into His own likeness.


Our mission is involved in five Departamentos and States in Honduras

In 2001, Hector founded Iglesias Comunidad de Amor, Internacional. Since then, and with the guidance of the Lord, Hector has planted over 20 churches in many regions of Honduras. Some of the ministries include the Comunidad de Amor Bible Institute, The Newman Christian School & Computer Training Center, A music school and El Arca Comprehensive Center. His passion is for evangelism through social action.

Some of the ministries include the Comunidad de Amor Bible Institute, The Newman Christian School & Computer Training Center, A music school and El Arca Comprehensive Center.

Hector Newman, is a missionary who lives by faith and is passionate about sharing the gospel.

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